

My pedagogy is centered on self-discovery: students learn to teach themselves through answering open-ended questions about their learning process. Individual lesson design is flexible and caters to each student’s strengths and weaknesses.

Private Lessons

My individual lesson design is flexible and caters to each student’s strengths and weaknesses. I begin lessons by allowing the individual to feel comfortable and to produce a relaxed, warm sound.

I reserve at least half of each lesson for the study of repertoire. The sustained study of the same complex material engenders a familiarity and comfort which leads to a deeper understanding of the work.

Studio Class

No one learns in a vacuum, so I create community among saxophonists by hosting a weekly studio class. This time together presents an opportunity to explore concepts not covered in individual lessons, as well as serving as a platform for discussion about artistic and professional topics, and a venue to give and receive feedback with peers.


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